Monday, August 27, 2007

hmmm decided to blog...

Now that i've decided to blog i don't know what to write...
I know i'll use this to post some of my poems and stuff as i write them...
I guess i should post some of my old stuff to start with...
Heres some of the first things i wrote...

When the scars have faded, will everything go back to how it was?Will anyone notice again? Anyone care? No way of showing, no way of knowing how i really feel.

Rain puddle:
'Why are the hard things in my life like a rain puddle,When the rain falls the ripples in the puddle are seen after,Why can't they be like the soft ground,When the rain falls, It disappears and is forgotten about right away!

The wall
Why is building up my life again like building up a wall?
Sometimes when things are going well I turn around and knock a brick off,
It smashes into a million pieces.
Sometimes it can be fixed, sometimes its beyond repair and needs to be replaced.
It will get finished eventually, It just takes time…

'This hurting aches so bad over a wound that never happened,How can i ever heal when I’m my own worst enemy,How can i stop this pain when I’m the one creating it, How can i break my mistrust and let someone help me heal'

1 comment:

kitter said...

I'm glad you'er blogging, sis... it's an awesome release