Monday, August 27, 2007


She’s broken from the fall,
Shards of glass splinter her body,
She cries, it hurts,
But she must move on,
The scars seem to heal,
But they trap glass inside,
Her movements are painful,
So she refuses to step out,
Hide the hurt, put on a mask,
Fear traps her, she’s stuck,
The glass tearing her up inside,
Outside she seems fine,
Hiding behind her wall,
She needs to heal,
Have the glass removed,
God can do it,
Take away past hurts,
Let her heal completely,
She needs to trust,
She’ll have to ask,
Her head knows the answers,
Her heart is crying out,
Head knowledge is hard to feel,
But when she lets go,
Her heart will heal,
She will be free,
Pain will leave,
She will step out in faith,
His arms will catch her,
He will hold her tight,
And heal the scars inside.

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